CDC reveals how a vaccine gets approved for use in the market, with no safety...
(NaturalHealth365) An alarming video published in February by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has revealed some startling information about vaccine testing and approval procedures. Even the...
View ArticleFlu shot WARNING: CDC is reporting a ‘record-breaking,’ but unsubstantiated...
(NaturalHealth365) It’s about that time of year again when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health officials begin to drum up “awareness” about the need for...
View ArticleHPV vaccine market expands to adults, FDA gives its approval
(NaturalHealth365) The HPV vaccine – made by Merck (Gardasil) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix) – has been linked to many troubling vaccine side effects, including paralysis. Yet, despite this, the U.S....
View ArticleCDC study protocol reveals: Stunning correlation between MMR vaccine and autism
(NaturalHealth365) There’s a growing shift in the vaccine and autism debate, with increasing amounts of data challenging the long-held belief that vaccines are harmless. This shift is in no small...
View ArticleArizona police storms family home to remove unvaccinated child with high...
(NaturalHealth365) In a shocking and inquisition-type infringement on parental rights, local government officials from Arizona took an unvaccinated child from his family. The child, who had a fever,...
View ArticleBreaking NEWS: Data suggests COVID-19 is NOT significantly different in terms...
(NaturalHealth365) We can be sensitive to the fact that an unknown pandemic illness should be handled with care and caution. But it’s hard not to be disillusioned when finding out that SARS-CoV-2, the...
View ArticleNew COVID-19 vaccine from aborted babies, begins testing
(NaturalHealth365) Nations around the world are attempting to become the first to mass-produce a “safe” vaccine within the next year. What’s next? Rushed research and a vaccine from aborted babies?...
View ArticleScientist developing plant-based edible vaccine for COVID-19
(NaturalHealth365) It’s amazing to watch Big Pharma officials try to dance around the simple reality that lifestyle – including the things we eat – has the most significant impact on health and...
View ArticleSorry, foodies: No indoor dining in NYC until there’s a vaccine available,...
(NaturalHealth365) Many public health officials seem to stray further and further from their initial call to just “flatten the curve,” haven’t they? Consider New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Despite...
View ArticleAstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine trial ON HOLD after participant had serious...
(NaturalHealth365) While vaccines generally take 15-20 years to get to the market, there’s been a significant push to get a COVID-19 vaccine ready to use to combat the current global pandemic. In fact,...
View ArticleYouTube BLOCKING videos that question COVID vaccine, calling it “misinformation”
(NaturalHealth365) As much of the world waits with bated breath for the development of a coronavirus vaccine – which mainstream media will have us believe is a requirement for any possible “return to...
View ArticleCoronavirus CONTROVERSY: U.K. government will intentionally infect volunteers...
(NaturalHealth365) How much would you need to be paid to be purposefully exposed to the poorly understood coronavirus, then sequestered into quarantine while scientists study you – all in the name of...
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